Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hello and Welcome to Dream

I am trying out the blogging thing. I have some friends that are pretty good at it and I would love to give it a try.

So, I guess I will start by saying that I dream big and bold, which is why I chose "dreaming in color" to be my site name. Actually, I do dream in color. I know it has been a debate as to whether some can only dream in black and white or whether anyone actually dreams in color at all and that our brains merely lead us to believe we have dreamt in color. I will choose to believe the claimed impossible on this one.

I am at home full time these days with two small children. My son, Jasper, and my daughter, Alice. We live in Barrington, New Hampshire and enjoy the quiet privacy of living in the woods. My husband is a scientist and does loads of traveling around the world. So, I stay home and raise the children and create jewelry and art.

My favorite mediums of inspiration are sea glass, beach stones, sea urchins, vintage buttons, costume jewelry, stickers and glitter. I absolutely love creating wearable art from recycled objects, vintage treasures and things from nature. If anyone out there is reading this and has a collection of something really unique and unsuspecting, I would love to hear about it.


Lauren said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

Hollyrose said...

Awesome blog, Heather! I like it. I need to set up a blog too.


LauraFlo said...

Heather - have I every told you that I like to collect pressed pennies? If you're ever near a penny pressing machine, I'd love for you to send one my way! My favorite are the two I got at Archduke Francis Ferdinand's castle in the Czech Republic. I don't what they say, but they look cool!